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The Colonial Walk

9. Museum Flehite

Westsingel 50

The Museum Flehite is closed on Mondays. It is home to an exhibition about Maurits and Van Oldenbarnevelt, among other things. Van Oldenbarnevelt was born in Amersfoort in 1547 and beheaded in The Hague in 1619. The executioner’s sword that is displayed in the museum was not actually used for the beheading, according to research conducted by the Rijksmuseum.

In the garden at Flehite, there is the Melati memorial. This memorial was installed on the occasion of the Commemoration of 75 years of Dutch East Indies liberation in 2020. It was designed by glass artist Hilde Paalvast from Amersfoort and was an initiative of the 15 August 1945 Committee in Amersfoort.

The Melati memorial was installed on the occasion of the Commemoration of 75 years of Dutch East Indies liberation.

The Melati memorial was installed on the occasion of the Commemoration of 75 years of Dutch East Indies liberation.

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