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The Farmer’s Route

2. – Food collective Amersfoort

At the Voedselkollektief Amersfoort they champion reconciliation and good links between farmers and citizens. They buy vegetables, dairy, eggs, plants and seeds from local growers within a 25 km radius of Amersfoort. The idea behind the collective is that farmers receive an honest price for their products, can sell smaller quantities of their goods, and maintain contact with the buyers. These buyers form a network of ‘conscious consumers’ who not only buy their shopping from the collective. The customers also help to keep the Food Collective running by carrying out financial or administrative tasks, for example, to ensure the project remains affordable to all.

The Food collective Amersfoort is affiliated to De WAR, a versatile ‘breeding ground’ for art, science and social innovation. You can find De WAR and the Food Collective at Heiligenbergerweg 34.

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Art.1 Midden Nederland
Kaap Hoorndreef 42 3563 AV Utrecht

telefoon: 030 – 232 86 66

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